Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Flowers

For Easter I bought tulips. I find although the Easter lily is a gorgeous flower with a wonderful scent, the fragrance can be overpowering especially for those of us that suffer from allergies. I thought tulips were a wonderful idea, as I can plant the bulbs after the blooms fade.

I sketched them over the Easter weekend when I had a couple of days off. Like many of us in the health care field we work the holidays and don’t always get to spend them with family. Here is the outcome of that sketch.

Previous springs I have experimented with still life and my cut spring flowers from the garden:

I admit it’s a little early for daisies, but it won’t be long before they are in bloom. Enjoy this beautiful spring day; although it’s raining, it’s bringing the promise of new life.


Kerry said...

Beautiful work. I especially like the third and the fourth drawings.

I bought myself some beautiful red tulips today - they are such lovely blooms they are hard to resist.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

So beautiful, you talented woman, you.

Amanda said...

Ahhhh, the sweet smell of spring! i love that too! your tulips are amazing:D i love the floral designs you have done:D I have some nice hydrangeas in my studio right now and would love to paint them:D

forestry said...

El, I love your work. I especially like to watch you as you set out to create the art, capture it electronically, and then post it for all to see. It is a cyclical process and I am aware of the joy and grounding it brings to you. Each time, you gain poise and confidence in the knowledge that you can come up with a fresh idea and see it through to its completion. Don't ever stop. You are my Sunshine...

Unknown said...

Thank you folks:). I can't believe it's snowing today after the wonderful spring weather!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

The last one is my favorite but I am a sucker for the simplicity of Daisies.

Too bad about that snow. We have just had to deal with frost and freeze warnings. I always look at that as God's way of telling me not to get too excited about spring and pull back on the throttle a bit. ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you, I love daisies as well. I do agree, we get so hopeful after a long winter. It's sunny today with a beautiful blue sky. My daffodils and hyacinths are bravely facing the fluctuating temperatures.:)

Gabrielle Andersen said...

I love your flower paintings. They sure put you in the mood for spring.

Gabrielle Andersen said...


Unknown said...

Thank you Gabrielle. I'm glad to see (I hope) that spring may finally be here to stay..