Friday, February 5, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Another beautiful Southampton sunset.

What I've always called "Islands in the Sky"...


joo said...

Fabulous sky Eleanor and I like the expression 'Islands in the Sky':)
Have a lovely weekend!

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Um, wow!

Unknown said...

Yes, it's pretty awesome. Looked like the sky was on fire..

Unknown said...

Thanks Joo,
I used to see "islands" in the clouds as a kid, something I came up with years ago..a lovely weekend to you as well!

Carver said...

You have a beautiful blog. These shots are fantastic and I love the similar one on the skywatch homepage. Sorry I missed this in February but glad I found my way to your beautiful blog.

Arija said...

Superb SkyWatch photos merging sea and sky in the same colours. Very beautiful indeed as is your most charming blog.

Benikos place said...

Fantastic colors!!!thanks you very much

eileeninmd said...

Stunning colors and sky. Awesome photos. said...

Your skywatch is beautiful! the colors look unreal. it must have been even more amazing to see in person.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your comments:).
Yes Lily, the sunsets are truly magnificent.

joo said...

It's fabulous sky - like melting gold!
Great weekend to you:)

Tussy said...

Congratulations for being host this week, well done!

Skywatch Friday
Sunhine Award

Pat Thacker said...

"Gorgeous Shot"!!! I don't do much photography but I do so enjoy others work,and I am so enjoying yours this evening!!! :) Have a lovely evening.

Unknown said...

Thank you Pat! You have a lovely evening as well.